Ed Stetzer gives the following list of what he calls a “Dangerous Church” in 2010.  I’d suggest it is something churches will have to consider and work through past 2010.


The dangerous church over the next few years will have seized economic opportunity. If the current trends continue, some church workers will loose their jobs, and churches will loose money. But more people will come to Christ because in a bad economy they seek God more.

The dangerous church will address sexual brokenness. Homosexuality is an issue that the church must address in the next decade. Most churches don’t know how to address sexual issues of homosexuality, marriage, and other sexual issues in a biblical way.

The dangerous church will wrestle through the issue of gender inclusion.  Can women be pastors?

The dangerous church will face increasing intolerance.


The dangerous church will have navigated the post-seeker movement. The dangerous church will have found new ways to reach people for the world.

The dangerous church will have regained confidence in the gospel. They will have clarity and biblical discernment.

The dangerous church will have addressed evangelical confusion. Evangelicalism is a broad term, a broad label.

The dangerous church will have rethought discipleship. Many churches are not making disciples well. Only 16% of Protestant church goers read their Bible daily.

The dangerous church will have worked through denominational catharsis.

The dangerous church will learn how to network with other churches. Networking should be more than interacting with clones of your church.

The dangerous church will innovate.