What if GOD sent an angel to you… visibly… and made this offer (This is a rewind from the past as a follow up to Monday’s post.):
Praise be to our God who alone is worthy of worship, praise, and adoration! Dear servant of The Great God of the universe, I have been sent to make you this offer:
Starting in three hours… for one year… God will use you to bring a world-wide revival. Hundreds of millions will be saved to His glory. He will heal countless broken lives… restore inumerable families… and eradicate all kinds of sickness everywhere you go as you share His Gospel. Nothing like it has been seen on earth since Pentecost! HOWEVER…
One year later you will be physically, mentally, & emotionally broken. Half your family will have died and the rest will consider you crazy. You will own nothing. The next 30 years of your life will be spent in a nursing home and no one will visit you. You will have lost your sight and hearing. Then you will die… be buried in government cemetary… without a marker… and no one will attend the service.
You have five minutes to give me your answer…
Would you say like Isaiah… “Here I am, SEND ME!?”
Or, as you read that, did you hesitate… even for just a moment? (Thank you Dr. Drummond)
It is recorded in Luke 9:23 that Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”