top5In the Alabama Baptist’s February 13, 2014 issue the headline was, “20 Characteristic of a Good Church Member.” The paper posed the question to pastors, Directors of Missions, and other leaders at the Alabama Baptist State convention of 2013. This was an informal survey, but it certainly only included those who had a more than average interest in Baptist matters. Thus something interesting…

The top 5 of 20 characteristics were, in order: 1) Is saved and sure of one’s salvation, 2) Seeks and follows the Holy Spirit, 3) Spends time in prayer, 4) Lives a godly life, and 5) Is growing spiritually.

I got to thinking, what would be my top 5 Characteristics of a “good” church member? Well, for better or worse, here are mine (Salvation is assumed by definition of the question). Note: All of these are equally be #1 and therefore my numbering…

1. Loving,

1. Godliness,

1. Humility,

1. Devoted to the reading and study of God’s Word,

1. Devoted to prayer,

6. Forgiving, Gracious, Merciful, Committed to unity of the body…

Honestly, lists of this nature are intrinsically difficult to quantify. But the question asked by The Alabama Baptist is good for two reasons. First, they make us think. Second, they call us to self examination.