Who influenced you for the Gospel?
John the Baptist said about Jesus one day, “Behold the Lamb of God!” Andrew was lisetning and followed Jesus. After Andrew spent a few hours with Jesus, he found his brother Peter and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” Peter found Jesus and became a follower of Christ (John 1:35-42a). Jesus influenced John (They were cousins), John influenced Andrew, Andrew influenced Peter, Peter came to Christ.
Who influenced you for the Gospel?
From Peter and the other Apostels there is an unbroken chain of Christians who in essence say the same thing to another person… “I have found the Messiah (Or Savior or Lord or Master).” One believer telling a lost person about salvation throgh Jesus who then believes and tells another unbeliever who becomes a believer and so on and so on and so on… right down to you IF you are a Christian.
Who influenced you for the Gospel?
In Chapter 2 of Billy Graham’s autobiography, he writes that he became a Christian under the preaching of evangelist Mordecai Ham. Some have traced the influence of one person upon another either in a discipleship, counseling, or evangelistic setting and the way God used each for the kingdom. It goes something like this… Edward Kimball influenced D.L. Moody. D.L. Moody influenced Wilbur Chapman. Wilbur Chapman influenced Billy Sunday. Billy Sunday influenced Mordecai Ham. Mordecai Ham (Left) was the evangelist God used to bring Billy Graham to salvation.
Who influenced you for the Gospel?
For me it was Greg Garrett. He was a 12 year old kid who lived behind me in Birmingham when I was 10. We rode bicycles together. One day he asked… “If you died would you go to heaven or hell?” I couldn’t answer him. So I went home and it was there in response to my questions that my mom told me about how to be saved. To this day I can remember the events surrounding my conversion like it was yesterday. Even though I have no idea where Greg Garrett is or what he is doing, I thank God for using him to bring me to salvation in Christ.
Who influenced you for the Gospel?
There’s an old Gospel song that goes this way… “Will the circle be unbroken…?”
Who have YOU influenced for the Gospel?
It is no accident that you live where you do… have the friends you have… work who you work with… or encounter people each day of your life. I’d like for you to consider the possibility (Probability) that God sovereignly placed you in those circumstances and situations to be an “Andrew” for those people!
Who will you influence for the Gospel? Look around. When The Spirit prompts you to talk with a person about Jesus, do it! Who knows if the person you influence will be the person who influences a person… who influences a person… who influences a person… who influences the next “Billy Graham” for God’s Kingdom!