Every event… every test… every temptation is first and foremost about the First Commandment which is found in Exodus 20:2-3…
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 You shall have no other gods before Me.”
Think about it. EVERY event… at the most important level… is about whether we will honor God, obey God, and glorify God. Either we will honor Him, or we won’t. Here’s what that means…
When we’re insulted we’ll either turn the other cheek or we won’t. The former honors God and the First Commandment, the latter doesn’t and is sin.
When someone transgresses against us we’ll either forgive them or we won’t. The former honors God and the First Commandment, the latter doesn’t and is sin.
When enemies attack us we will either pray for them or we won’t. The former honors God and the First Commandment, the latter doesn’t and is sin.
When people hurt us we will either do good to them or we won’t. The former honors God and the First Commandment, the latter doesn’t and is sin.
Either our speech is filled with mercy, grace, and truth to build up others or it isn’t. The former honors God and the First Commandment, the latter doesn’t and is sin.
After reading just those five things I know something about you and me… we’re guilty! But the dynamic of Exodus 20:2-3 must not be missed. We don’t keep the commands in order to be saved… rather BECAUSE WE ARE SAVED, we keep the commands! The Ten Commandments we’re given to SO THAT people could be saved, but rather they were saved (Delivered) NOW THEREFORE they keep the commands (And they’re not burdensome!)
But still… we fail don’t we? That’s why Jesus was born… lived a perfect life… died… and was resurrected. God treated Jesus as if He were us and those who believe God treats as if we were Christ. “There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
All who are saved will WANT to keep the commands! They will WANT to turn the other cheek… forgive… pray… do good… and speak whatever builds others up. Believers WANT to be more like Jesus and work to become more like Him BECAUSE THEY ARE saved!
You are batting 1000 lately my friend!! Keep it coming!! Glory to God!!
Thank you for this reminder! Each day is a new opportunity to honor and glorify our Lord!
We must look intently into the mirror daily. Who are we? Am I trying to please man or am I trying to please God?????
Amen. Pastor Ron and to Robert…..We forget…please God and we will please some of the others…it doesn’t matter if we continue to please God.Love you, Ron
It’s the human elements that keep up from being perfect…..they aren’t and we certainly aren’t,..We must stop striving for this…..Thank you Lord, for being patient and allowing us to improve ….Sarah