This is a follow up from a previous post, “LET IT GO! Get over it!“ Somebody will have said, “Yeah, that’s easy to write… BUT (Fill in the blank).” But… “You didn’t have my parents…” “You don’t have my spouse…” “You don’t work for my boss…” “You don’t have kids like mine…” “You don’t know how hard my life has been.” Please don’t take this wrong, but sooner or later you MUST LET IT GO! Here’s why:
#1: Holding on to anger, bitterness, victim-hood, and resentment is like drinking poison hoping someone else will die…
#2: Everyone has something and most people’s “something” is much worse than yours. That’s life…
#3: Others have dealt with your situation and are doing quite well (1 Cor 10:13)…
#4: By continuing to hang on to past failures you are not embracing the Gospel.
#5: By saying “Yeah, BUT…” you are foolishly thinking you are above God is wisdom, knowledge, and power.
So what is the “BUT” you are hanging on to? Your “BUT” is an excuse. It is victimization. It is whining. Or else you are saying Philippians 4:13 is a lie… “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…” Let it go… move on… get over it.
Agreed. Thanks for the reminders and encouragements.
Praise the LORD–you are right target as usual, Brother Ron.