Click here for part 1, “Churches Having Problems.”
Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)
I am blessed to have three particular friends who are faithful to God’s call in ministry! Each of these men are consumed with glorifying God before anything else… honoring God by faithfully delivering His Word to the flock… and keeping their lives pure as a minister of The Gospel. If I put their names in this post, each of them would yank me back in line because they do not want any credit for what God is using them to do for His glory. Let me describe them to you… in one presentation because all three of them are doing the same things as they lead God’s people, just in different ways according to their particular context.
Exposition Of The Scripture. Each of my pastor friends are dedicated to preaching, teaching, and proclaiming the entire Word of God. They are committed to clearly explaining God’s Word to His people from both Old and New Testaments. Each pastor is involved in discipleship of others in the congregation outside the regular meetings of the church to discuss doctrine and theology. These men are thoroughly dedicated to glorifying God by preaching and proclaiming God’s Truth above all other things.
Regenerate Church Membership. Each of my friends take church membership seriously. Before a person can become a member of the congregation, they must complete a membership class affirming their commitment to live for God’s glory and to support the congregation with their attendance, talents, and resources. Yearly these congregations remove from their membership roll those who have become inactive (After good faith attemtps to reclaim them). Aside: This is what Baptist Churches used to do according to the old “Church Covenant” that hung on the wall in many church worship centers.
Meaningful Dynamic Worship. Each of these men lead their congregations to have vibrant, celebrative, meaningful worship (One has a “traditional” service and a “contemporary” service). The goal of each congregation is not to entertain by the use of gimmicks, but to glorify God by praising Him in meaningful ways.
Active Participation in Missions. Each of these men lead their churches to constantly go on mission trips… minister to their local communities… generously supporting missions financially… and helping those of their own fellowship who are in need. A good portion of their budget each year goes to helping and ministering to the poor.
Each of these church have been blessed on many levels. They are growing congregations, with many joinging the fellowship on a regular basis. Each have reached many for God’s glory and the kingdom. Each are led by Godly men and women. Each church is a model of how to do church well.
When the church IS the church, God is glorified! The gates of hell do NOT prevail against her! Oh that more churches would be like the churches my friends are serving! Oh that God’s people would trust their pastors more! Oh that pastors would quit serving themselves and feeding their egos… quit ministering out of fear… and honor God in preaching and leadership!
May the church BE the church for the gates of hell will NOT prevail agasint her! And bless you my brothers in ministry…
Ron, I am sure those pastor’s will tell you nothing is easy about leading a church. And I am confident those men will admit they have paid a very high price to do what the Lord has called them to do. Not everyone is interested in God’s glory. Not everyone is serious about the church.
Thank you for your continued insight!