Several weeks ago I posted that they way Cam Newton was being treated wasn’t fair. And now he has been cleared of any personal wrongdoing. In that post I wrote that I wanted: 1) For Auburn University to win the SEC West Title, 2) For them to then win the SEC Title, 3) For Cam Newton to win the Heisman Trophy… (Pause of thought)
So far I’m three for three. Auburn won the SEC West… the SEC title… and Cam won the Heisman. Now…
My fourth desire in that post is now a prediction (Not of the Biblical kind!). Auburn will beat Oregon by at least 1 touchdown AND Cam Newton will be the game’s Offensive MVP (My 5th and last).
Once I am a solid 5 for 5, Auburn will join the ranks of SEC Bowl wins that result in being National Champions. And just F.Y.I., I am a Bama fan!
War Eagle!!!!
Win or lose the sun will still come up Tuesday morning! Thanks for your support and we will take good care of your baby girl in the desert! War Eagle!