Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Question 1: What kind of Gospel is your life proclaiming to those around you?
Question 2: What kind of Gospel is the church you attend setting forth to the community?
In other words… if all people know of the Gospel is your conduct and how the church you attend presents it’s self to the community, what kind of Gospel is being communicated? Are they seeing LOVE… PATIENCE… MERCY… FORGIVENESS… GRACE? Or are they observing condemnation, anger, judgmentalism, legalism by your actions? ((Big Pause Here For You To Meditate))
What kind of emails do you send? What kind of looks do you give people who infringe upon your time? What tone of voice do you use at home toward your family? What about the timeliness with which you pay your bills? What about how you talk to others about your enemies? Want me to continue?
Is the church you attend focused on themselves… or meeting the needs of those in the community where they’re planted? Does the church you attend actively look for ways to reach out to people and love them into the fellowship… or are they stand-offish because of how people dress… the kind of music they like… their hair style… or the fact they have a tattoo?
What about when you are treated harshly… wrongly… unfairly… or attacked? Do people see you conducting yourself in a manner that reflects the cross of Jesus… the Gospel? The conduct of a Christian in those situations should raise eyebrows as being different, and as a result intrigue people to find out what is different about us (ie., The Gospel).
POINT: Everything a Christian does is to reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything a church does is to be motivated by the message of the cross… The Gospel of Jesus Christ!
So I ask again…
Question 1: What kind of Gospel is your life proclaiming to those around you?
Question 2: What kind of Gospel is the church you attend setting forth to the community?
The Gospel According To You…
There’s a Gospel according to Matthew; To Mark;
To Luke; and John too.
There’s another gospel that many are reading…
The Gospel according to You.
All teachings we find in the Bible
Are facts we know to be true;
You must live them to make them the Gospel…
The Gospel according to You
Many read not the words of the Bible;
I will tell you what some of them do…
They are reading the book you are writing…
The Gospel according to you.
There’s Great Power In Gospel Preaching
The Bible teaches that this is true.
But the sermon most likely to influence others
Is The Gospel according to You.
God help us to be faithful to Jesus…
To live all His teachings so true,
So that all may see His Spirit
In the Gospel according to You
You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day;
By things that you do; By things you say.
Others read that gospel, whether faithless or true!
Say! What is the Gospel According To You?
Leroy Brownlow