For a few days this week I am at a conference where I get to worship with thousands of others who are all passionate about God. I am blessed to hear nine to ten excellent messages by some of the most gifted preachers in America. Am with seven other men who love God and Jesus with all their heart… and love to laugh! Then… each day they give each atendee “free” books… which by the end of the conference will be worth MORE than it cost to attend the conference!
Nothing better than that for me this week… except getting home to my family on Friday…
By the way… here’s the list of books given to date (Wednesday), and there’ll probably be more tomorrow (Thursday):
English Standard Study Bible (Hardback)
The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love (Leeman)
The Unquenchable Flame (Reeves)
Proclaiming A Cross-Centered Theology (Dever, Duncan, Mohler, Mahaney)
What Is The Gospel? (Gilbert)
Dug Down Deep (Harris)
It Is Well (Dever, Lawrence)
The Holiness of God (Sproul)
The Trellis and the Vine (Marshall, Payne)
He Is Not Silent (Mohler)
The Gospel for Muslims (Anyabwile)
The Jesus You Can’t Ignore (MacArthur)
Jonathan Edwards on The Good Life (Strachan, Sweeny)
The Plight of Man and The Power Of God (Lloyd-Jones)
Scandalous: The Cross And Resurrection of Jesus (D.A. Carson)
Finally Allive (Piper)
Bring back some extras for those of us who did not get to go.
Sorry… not possible. Each attendee only gets one set. They secured the exact number of books for those who attended. Wish I could though!
The Unquenchable Flame is brilliant. You’ll love it.