Yesterday (7/19/09) Freeman Tabernacle of Moulton, Alabama and Moulton Baptist Church held a joint worship service to celebrate FTB’s 140 anniversary. It was a great time of fellowship, worship, and celebration. I had the joy and honor of delivering the message for the time of joint worship from Pastor Snodgrass’ pulpit.
You can read the article by DeAngelo MacDaniel as it was picked up by The Syracuse Post Standard from The Decatur Daily. CLICK HERE.
Freeman Tabernacle came out of Moulton Baptist in 1859 when a group of former slaves asked for their letters to be granted so that they could begin their own congregation. MBC gladly and willingly granted them their letters and affirmed the beginning of the congregation. But it is what took place prior to the establishment in 1859 that blessed those in attendance.
According to historical records, Moulton Baptist recognized that blacks had a soul (A big debate at the time) and therefore were worthy of hearing the Gospel and participating in worship. Moulton Baptist then ordained a black man to the ministry. He was therefore able to preach the Gospel and even performed a wedding in Moulton Baptist Church. For the time, this was extremely progressive in the deep south.
And now, in 2009, two churches of different denominations and cultures can come together to celebrate and worship God through Jesus Christ in the Spirit of Truth. Oh what a day that was! What a blessing! What joy! Oh how yesterday made me look forward to the day when EVERY believer is before Christ worshipping Him in complete harmony and unity! Even so, come Lord Jesus!
I am so thankful that we live in a day and time when Christians come together with the common ground of faith in Christ. I am thankful that much of the problems of the past are no longer issues today. I am thankful that the relationship with Jesus breaks down all barriers of race, class, and pedigree. In Christ all believers are one… and yesterday’s worship at Freeman Tabernacle proved that truth.
Pastor Snodgrass and the congregation of Freeman Tabernacle were extremely gracious, loving, and great hosts. God willing, Freeman Tabernacle and Moulton Baptist Church will be making this a regular event.
Note: The article written by DeAngelo MacDaniel which first appeared in The Decatur Daily of Decatur, Alabama has been picked up by several papers including: The Birmingham News, The Mobile Press Register, The Chicago Defender, and the Syracuse Post Standard.