To Pastors And Teachers

Each week I meet with four men from three denominations for prayer.  Rarely a week goes by that we don’t discuss some kind of brushfire that is directly related to their ministry of the Word.  I have another four men who are my pastors.  Each of them have...

The Joy Of An Interim Pastorate

Since August of 2008 I have had the joy and blessing of being the Interim Pastor of a church in Northwest Alabama.  Admittedly, I had always viewed the interim pastor position as one that was a glorified “fill in” till the church calls their next...

A Blind Eye And A Deaf Ear!

“Do not quench the Spirit…” (1 Thessalonians 5:19) It is amazing how insensitive some can be at church… to their pastor and others… when The Word is about to be proclaimed and enter into worship!  At one church I served the Chairman of...