For the last several years I have taken a few days to meet with some pastor friends at a mountain retreat. This year there are a total of five who will spend a time together in Tennessee. God willing, we will rest… laugh… fellowship… debate… eat… and encourage one another. Each year I find myself coming away with more ideas and thoughts about church than you can believe. These men are my pastors.
This year we are to all have read a book for discussion. The one we chose is “The Bruised Reed” by Richard Sibbs (Click here & here & here). This book presents the beauty of God’s mercy and grace to those who are hurting, wounded, and the purposes for such times. I’m sure our interactions will be a great blessing to us all.
It was at this retreat last year that I began to formulate the idea of The C-3 Process (Conversion, Connection, Commitment) that we are implementing now. It was as I listened to what the other pastors were doing that I finally decided to formulate and implement a New Members Inquirers Class for WABC. It was at the retreat last year that I began praying and asking God to do things at WABC that I couldn’t do myself… and I believe He is answering that prayer now.
In short, I am excited because I have high expectations to get some rest… knowing that the result may very well be a renewed intensity for Kingdom work that might not come about any other way.
So I take a moment to encourage you to take a break to be energized. You may not be able to get away for a couple of days… but you can manage your time so that you get away for a few hours each day or weekend. You can calm your mind before God by praying without words so that He puts in your spirit what He would have you know. He will strengthen you in your inner person as you direct your heart and mind solely toward Him.
Try it.
I am one of the “five” Dr. Ethridge mentioned in his blog, and I agree. We all need this time away. I would selfishly ask each of you to pray for us. Pray specifically for your pastor. He is an incredible servant of God. I am continually impressed with his consistency. Ron is steady. He maintains the same attitude of faith each day. I am equally impressed with his devotion to preaching and teaching God’s Word. Ron gives just as much to our retreat as he takes away. Within a few short days the five of us will gather to laugh, pray, think, discuss, study, relax and fellowship. Your prayers for us will be much appreciated.