Copied from Joe Mckeever…
- People want to hear a thought-provoking sermon on Sunday. They have a right to this.
- People want to hear a message thoroughly biblical, consistent with the teachings of the Lord Jesus. They should hear that.
- Even if what they are hearing is the traditional message on a subject they are well-familiar with, worshipers want it fresh and relevant to their lives. They have a right to this.
- People want their pastor to be a person of prayer. They will be asking for intercession for their own needs and concerns, but they also need confidence that the preacher is living in the power of the Holy Spirit. They have a right to this.
- People want their pastor to be moral in every way Scripture teaches. If the preacher is single, they expect celibacy; if married, faithfulness. No minister can insist that what he/she does in their private time is their own business. They have no private time not the concern of their flock.
- People want their pastor to be law-abiding and patriotic. We expect our ministers to pay their taxes and to respect the government.
- The members want their pastor to be a strong leader who leads with confidence and authority, but they also want him to be accountable to a few of the church leaders. They have a right to this.