Eight years ago there was near panic as people worried what would happen when the calendar turned from 1999 to 2000. There were supposed to be computer crashes… runs on banks… and world wide panic. People scrambled to prepare doing everything from filling up gallon jugs of water to burying money in their back yard. Then 2000 came in with all the fanfare of a bottle rocket. Fzzzttt…
People have always had an interest in tomorrow… the future… what it holds. Jesus’ Apostles were no different from anyone else. Because Jesus knew this was a natural tendency, He said at least two things for us to consider as we enter 2008…
Acts 1:7, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.” Matthew 6:34, “Do not be anxious about tomorrow…”
Now for a few thoughts to consider…
1. Acts 1:7. We will never be able to know what the future holds OTHER THAN what God has ALREADY revealed in His Word… The Bible.
2. Acts 1:7. God is able to do this because He is God and thus has that authority.
3. Acts 1:7. God has “fixed” what is going to happen in the future. That means it cannot be changed. Suggestion… read the Book of The Revelation.
4. Matthew 6:34. There is no reason to be anxious about what will happen tomorrow or in the future because…
** God is in control of the future…
** Only what God wills will take place in the future…
** God always takes care of His children and only does what ultimately glorifies Himself and is best for those He loves.
** We can trust God for the future because He loves us.