When Things Get Personal…

When something is important to us, we think about it constantly. Not only do we think constantly about these things, but we talk about them. These can be people and/or situations. Mt 6:21 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Mt 12:34 Out of the...
If God Wills It, Why Pray?

If God Wills It, Why Pray?

The argument goes like this, “If everything is predestined, why pray?” In my experience this is posed more as a criticism than a question… an indictment more than inquiry. Honestly, this has been a difficult hurdle for me even though I know the arguments and they...
Jesus’ Prayer For His Own

Jesus’ Prayer For His Own

On earth, Jesus prayed for His followers (John 17). Now… in heaven… He continues to pray for them. Consider the following… The best way for our prayer life not to “heap up empty phrases” (Mt 6:7) that are meaningless and therefore are pointless to...