I am now a Grandfather and my wife is a Grandmother. Our first grandchild was born two days ago. He entered a world full of love and danger, blessing and uncertainty. Yet all his days are already written in a book in heaven. I will come back to that.
Soon after his birth he was placed in NICU due to breathing problems (He began to “deteriorate” soon after birth), but now he is breathing on his own and doing much better… uncertainty and protection. An investment firm gave him (And all born on 10/20/14) a $500 investment gift. But I won’t put his name in this post because of a thing called identity theft… a blessing and danger. That is what his life will be, for however long it is… 8 days, 8 months, 8 years, or 8 decades. Still, they are ALL in God’s hands… and have been since before eternity began.
G (As I’ll call him here) will have to deal with terrorists, Ebola, Gay marriage, friends and enemies, war and peace, health and sickness. He will be loved and hated… have blessings and struggles… joys and heartaches… successes and failures… He will laugh and cry. There will be great days, good days, average days, and bad days. He will have days of rejoicing and he will suffer. He will be tempted to sin and influenced by others not to sin. That is life. Our prayer is that he will process everything through a Biblical world view that trusts God’s sovereign and providential love in all things at all times in all situations.
I don’t know all he’ll have to deal with, nor does anyone else. Thus G’s parents are to raise him in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Their call is to raise him to be Godly. His family (Grand-parents, Uncles, Aunts, Church, etc) are to teach him about the Lord diligently. The most important lessons will have to do with godliness, holiness, and righteousness… not throwing a football or turning a double play (Those will be fun AND used as lessons about the Lord.).
The most important prayers for G are (And already have been): To believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. To love God with all his heart, mind, soul, and body. To honor God in all things. To be loving, merciful, gracious, and forgiving. To follow God’s call for his life. To rejoice in the Lord Always. THOSE are the most important things for G to learn.
My daughter, Son-in-law, and family will accomplish these things AS THEY MODEL THEM FOR G IN THEIR LIFE. G will compare what he is told with what he sees. As what he observes in his family affirms what he is told about God, the narrow path to life will widen (GW). G must hear and see God every day, not just on Sunday or at VBS or a Youth Trip. The world’s broken philosophy will be poured on him through TV, radio, movies, the internet, and other people. Therefore the Gospel message from his family MUST be a Tsunami that washes those things away.
Indoctrination? SURE! As my wife said about our children, “They’re going to learn about life from someone. I’m determined it will be US!” She was, and IS, right. And so God has placed G’s family in his life to be a Gospel Tsunami. These people include: His mom and dad, four grandparents, three uncles, two aunts, one great-grand-father and two great-grand-mothers. These 14 people are his first line of protection and defense through Godly words, deeds, and prayers.
Now back to my FIRST COMMENT. Considering everything above, it could be cause to worry or be anxious for G… except for a few truths:
1. God is love and everything He does or allows is always loving.
2. God is good and thus everything He does or allows is always ultimately good.
3. God is in control of everything for His glory. So because of 1 and 2 everything is ultimately loving and good.
4. All of G’s days are already recorded in God’s book (Ps 139:16) and they are all loving, good, and under God’s control.
5. Thus worry is banished because of 1, 2, 3, and 4 above.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding… acknowledge Him and He will make your pathways straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
“God… in your grace and mercy… I ask that you add G to Your eternal family. Help his mom, dad, and family to be godly examples all of his days. Help us all to teach him about you regularly. If it could be your gracious will, use him for Your glory in ways we cannot fathom. And Father, wherever his future wife is… give her a Godly family and prepare her for him as you prepare G for her… that they may raise Godly offspring for Your glory!”
Ron, Thanks for this reflection and prayer. I thank God often for the Godly families that I inherited on both sides of my family. My mother’s family were God-fearing Methodist and my Dad’s were God fearing Baptists. It took them 17 years to realize that they should be going to the same church as a family BUT it happened and what followed was years of love and family worship. Thanks again, luke
God bless all of you and G is a very lucky child. So glad he is doing better and will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
God bless.
So happy for you and your family. Now you will find out why everyone calls them, Grand babies ! They are the grandest gift from God!;)