A Deacon’s Reflection

One chapter in my book Dancing In The Dungeon is titled, “When And How To Fire A Minister.” Recently I heard of a deacon reading DITD who questioned his past conduct. He commented, “This is making me reexamine some of the things I’ve done. If...

Ministers Need To Forgive!

Over the last several months I have talked to many ministers who have been treated horribly by the congregations that called them. The things church members said and did were calloused and mean. In each case the minister was wounded deeply, and it showed on their face...

Just Move On? Impossible!

If you don’t know what F.I.M.O. stands for it is: Forget It, Move On. There are a few events and slights so inconsequential FIMO is proper. I’ve used it… until it was said to me. And it stung. “Just forget it?” Really? As if a deep wound...