Walking With A Red Tipped Cane

We walk through life blind.  We are clueless what the next second holds.  We are as blind about the future as Helen Keller was her entire adult life.  We walk day to day with a red tipped cane in front of us so to speak. We will NEVER figure out… or know...

Discerning God’s Will (Again?!)

This is a topic I am constantly thinking about and working through.  I have posted about it previously here (From Ray Pritchard and is VERY good!), here, and here.  After a few thoughts, I’ll cut through some of what may have become clutter and describe my...

How To Please God (Part 2)

For part 1, click here. Few things are as important to Christians than being in God’s will.  But how do we know we are in God’s will?  Conversely, how do we know when we are NOT in God’s will? 80% of the things we engage in day to day are NOT...

How To Choose A Church Home

  I got to thinking about this the other day and decided to Google “How To Choose A Church Home.”  The search took .32 seconds and you can click on the links below for a smattering of what others suggest regarding about how to look for a church home. ...

Discerning God’s Will

Previously I have written about diserning God’s will (Click here).  The reason is because we all have to make decisions, most of which are NOT addressed in Scripture (Who to marry… Which career to follow… Whether to move or not… Where to attend...

Best Laid Plans…

I wrote the blog for Sunday on Saturday because I was going to sleep in late on Sunday. So I got it ready… set it so that all I had to do was post it when I got up… and then rest the entire day. Note: There is a reason James tells us not to be presumptive...